Discovering Winget

A Hidden Gem for Streamlining Software Updates

Door Tim Vermaelen, 19-08-2024

As a seasoned programmer and avid gamer, I’ve spent countless hours fine-tuning my system for optimal performance. My journey into system maintenance began with resources like "," where I learned to tweak and optimize Windows services. Over the years, I’ve explored various tools and tricks to keep my system running smoothly. But recently, I stumbled upon something that caught me by surprise—a powerful command-line tool called WinGet. Despite my experience, I had no idea such a feature existed!

I imagine there are others like me—those who pride themselves on being tech-savvy but might be unaware of this hidden gem. That’s why I’m writing this article: to share my discovery and help others streamline their software updates effortlessly.

What is WinGet?

In simple terms, WinGet is a command-line utility that allows you to install, update, and manage software packages on your Windows PC. Think of it as a one-stop shop for keeping your applications up to date without the usual hassle.

Here’s a quick rundown of the basic commands:

  • Search for a specific application:
    winget search [app_name]
  • Install a new application:
    winget install [app_name]
  • Install the latest version:
    winget upgrade [app_name]
  • Check for updates for all installed applications:
    winget upgrade
  • Update all installed applications at once:
    winget upgrade --all
  • List all installed applications:
    winget list

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Why is WinGet a Game-Changer?

Traditionally, keeping software up to date meant visiting each application’s website, sifting through various download options, and manually downloading the latest version. You’d then need to keep track of where you saved the files and go through the installation process, often repeating this tedious cycle for every outdated application on your system. It was time-consuming and prone to errors, especially if you accidentally downloaded the wrong version or missed an important update.

With WinGet, this entire process becomes a breeze. You no longer need to hunt for the right website or worry about navigating confusing download pages filled with ads. Instead, a simple command in your terminal searches the repository, downloads the latest version, and installs it—automatically and seamlessly. This not only saves you time but also ensures that your software is always up to date with minimal effort.

How Does WinGet Work?

For those who want to dive a bit deeper, here’s how WinGet manages to simplify the software management process:

  1. Package Sources: WinGet pulls its information from an official package repository maintained by Microsoft. This repository, known as the Windows Package Manager Community Repository, contains manifests for thousands of applications. Each manifest includes metadata about the software, such as the version number, publisher, download URL, and installation commands. These manifests are hosted on GitHub, allowing the community to contribute by adding or updating software listings.
  2. Package Storage: Unlike some package managers that download and store packages locally, WinGet doesn’t store installation files permanently on your system. Instead, it downloads the installer directly from the software publisher’s website or a trusted source specified in the manifest and immediately executes it. This means you don’t have to worry about clearing out old installation files. WinGet handles everything on-the-fly.
  3. Installation Directories: The software installed via WinGet is placed in the same directories as if you had installed it manually. This is typically C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) for most applications, depending on whether the application is 64-bit or 32-bit.
  4. Configuration and Settings: WinGet itself doesn’t enforce specific configurations during installation. However, it respects the settings defined in the manifest file, which could include silent installations, default language settings, or additional parameters. If you need more control over these settings, you might need to run the installer manually.

How Does WinGet Compare to Other Tools?

WinGet isn’t the only package manager available for Windows. Another popular tool is Chocolatey, which has been around since 2011 and offers similar functionality. Here’s how they compare:

  • Repository Size: Chocolatey has a larger repository, with thousands of packages available, including many niche and developer-oriented tools. WinGet’s repository is growing quickly, but it’s still catching up in terms of sheer volume.
  • Community and Support: Chocolatey has a well-established community and offers both free and paid tiers, with the paid version providing advanced features like package auditing and advanced automation. WinGet, being relatively new, is directly supported by Microsoft and integrates tightly with the Windows ecosystem, but it lacks some of the community-driven packages found in Chocolatey.
  • Installation Methods: Chocolatey uses its own custom scripts for installation, which can sometimes offer more flexibility and control over the installation process. WinGet, on the other hand, relies on the installer provided by the software’s publisher, which can be simpler but less customizable.
  • Ease of Use: WinGet’s simplicity and tight integration with Windows make it very user-friendly, especially for those who prefer a straightforward, no-fuss approach. Chocolatey, while also user-friendly, may appeal more to users who need more control and are comfortable with more complex scripting.

Extra Tips: Enhancing Your WinGet Experience

To make the most of your experience with WinGet, here are a few extra tips and tricks:

  1. Enable Colors in Command Prompt or PowerShell: If you spend a lot of time in the command line, enabling color output can make your experience more pleasant and easier to navigate. WinGet supports colored output in terminals that recognize ANSI escape sequences, like Windows Terminal or PowerShell. To enable colors in PowerShell, you can add the following line to your PowerShell profile script
    $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Yellow"

    Alternatively, if you’re using Windows Terminal, it comes with color support out of the box. You can also customize the color scheme to your liking in the settings.

  2. Useful Packages: Here are a few handy packages you might want to install via WinGet:
    • Git: Essential for version control, especially if you’re working with repositories on GitHub or GitLab.
    • Visual Studio Code: A lightweight, powerful code editor with a huge library of extensions.
    • Google Chrome: If you prefer this browser, it’s easy to keep it updated with WinGet.
    • 7-Zip: A versatile file archiver that supports a wide range of file formats.
    • Python: For all your scripting and development needs.
    • PowerShell: A powerful command-line shell and scripting language that’s useful for system administration and automation.
  3. WinGet Settings: WinGet allows you to customize its behavior through a settings file (settings.json). You can specify options like default install behavior, preferred source, and more. To open and edit this file, run:
    WinGet settings
  4. Combining WinGet with Other Tools: If you’re using Chocolatey or other package managers alongside WinGet, you can combine their strengths. For example, use WinGet for mainstream software updates and Chocolatey for more niche or specialized tools not yet available in WinGet’s repository.

Things to Watch Out For

While WinGet is a fantastic tool, there are a few potential dealbreakers to be aware of:

  1. Language Settings: When you install or update software using WinGet, it may ask you to agree to certain settings, like the default language. In my case, the software was set to install in my system’s default language, which wasn’t English. If you prefer your software in English, be sure to check the language settings before proceeding with the installation or update.
  2. Application Availability: Not all software is available in the WinGet repository. While the list is extensive, you might find some niche or older applications missing. You can still manually install those, but it’s something to keep in mind.
  3. Permissions: Some applications might require administrative privileges to install or update. If you’re running commands without admin rights, you could run into issues.
  4. Silent Installations: WinGet often runs installations silently, meaning you won’t see the usual setup wizards. This is great for speed, but it also means you might miss out on custom installation options.

Wrapping Up

Despite a few quirks, I’ve found WinGet to be an incredibly efficient way to manage software on my PC. The ease with which you can update all your applications with just a few commands is nothing short of amazing. No more hunting for download links or sorting through installation files—WinGet handles it all. If you’re like me—someone who enjoys keeping their system in top shape—WinGet is definitely worth exploring. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that can save you time and effort, making your system maintenance routine smoother than ever.

Whether you choose WinGet, Chocolatey, or a combination of both, these tools offer a modern solution to an old problem. Give them a try, and you might wonder, like I did, how you managed without them all this time!

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